Party all day and into the evening without worry! Eliminates or greatly reduces the number of uninvited biting guests!
We offer both an organic or synthetic special event spray for weddings, BBQs, and parties, both commercial and private.
Our goal is to provide as minimal of an impact on the property while providing the best efficacy for your event and your guests' experience. That means no
unpleasant odors, visible traps, or swatting. Treatment is applied prior to food and tableware, so there is no concern for contamination.
We work around your schedule in efforts to not disrupt the event preparations or your guests' experience. We consult on when the best time to spray before the event is,
well in advance, so you don't feel any added last minute pressures.
We treat 5-7 days prior to the event and then will return 24 hours prior to the event to inspect for pests and retreat to reinforce the barrier..
Call for pricing ahead of time!Get on our schedule for your special day!
"We understand the importance of your guests' experience whether it is a wedding, graduation, summertime social event, or backyard BBQ."